Thursday 3 March 2011

Gold plated Airbus A340 anyone?

Brunei has an interesting Royal history.........For those of you who have an interest in what money can buy, check out these photos I have posted.
They show the interior fit of the Sultan of Brunei's Airbus A340.
I believe there is also a small pool on board too.

Over the Top......? Not a bit.... if you have 40 odd billion in the state coffers to play with!
The Sultan  also captains his own Boeing 747 and has a refitted Boeing 767 as his 'baggage' craft.

His younger brother, Playboy Prince Jeffri , also used to have quite a fleet of aircraft... which have all been sold after the Amedeo crisis of 1997 when a supposed mere 20-30 billion went missing from the country's treasury .... but... that's another story!

Large, privately chartered jets also often make weekly touch downs into Brunei- arriving cloaked in darkness and secrecy in the early hours of morning. The payload is anyone's guess. Hmmm .. might be worth a stake out one steamy night.
The interiors of the royal palaces here are filled with bespoke Italian furniture, plus all things luxurious and O.T.T (aka mostly tacky and gawdy) that catch the eye.
Nice if you have it I guess,but all of this comes at a heavy price-  freedom.

Gold plated bathroom basins...everyone should have one!

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