Tuesday 1 March 2011

Brunei- An Undiscovered Tourist Gem

No, Brunei is NOT  in the Middle East! It is found on the island of Borneo,situated in South East Asia.
 Even my sister-in-law expected she would experience a lot of sand dunes and camels when visiting for the first time.

Many times I have spoken with people in NZ when back on holiday and they ask, " You work in Brunei?.... Isn't that near Dubai? I think the word 'Sultan' brings to mind oil ,wealth ( well, that part's correct) and Sheiks, Emirs and .... camels.Even the island of Borneo ( where Brunei is one of three countries sharing borders ) is virtually unknown in the USA, even though it is the third largest island in the world.

Borneo tends to conjures up imagery of head hunters, cannibals and the like. In fact, Borneo was quite a wild place in the past and you can still see the evidence of past cannibalistic activities, viewing bleached skulls sitting atop long Bakau poles in some remote villages in the deep,interior regions of equatorial Borneo,accessed only by boat.
Europeans, especially Germans and French, are becoming more and more interested in Borneo as an interesting, safe and cheap tourist destination. Just try booking into a hotel in Kota Kinabalu ( capital city of Sabah-  East Malaysia's most northern state) around Christmas.You will see for yourself how popular these
resorts are with the Europeans.

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